In The Pyre, Gisele Vienne explores the creation of a work in tension, the impossible relationship with words and narration. The written word – here the novel by Dennis Cooper – underpins all of her choreography and the mute gesture ever seeks to stifle this narration through abstraction. For the time of a performance, their collaboration errs into the meanderings of a paradox essential to dance, ever caught between abstraction and narration. Gisele Vienne examines in depth the very form of performance by disturbing our perceptions. The gesture finds its continuation in silence, or rather in the inner voice of the spectator, who, after having witnessed the performance, can then discover Dennis Cooper’s text in the form of a short novella distributed at the start of the show.
The work of Patrick Riou and Gisele Vienne, who create a true sculpture of light, and the musical composition by Peter Rehberg and Stephen O’Malley, mixing electronic music and electric guitar, participate in the physicality of this very sensorial experience offered by The Pyre.
The Pyre Creation may 2013
In the framwork of the project TRANSFABRIK
Conception, stage director, choregraphie et scenography Gisèle Vienne
Musical creation, interpretation et live diffusion KTL, Stephen O’Malley and Peter Rehberg
Text Dennis Cooper
Lights Patrick Riou
Stylization and costumes conception José Enrique Ona Selfa
Video creation Robin Kobrynski
Scenery creator Leds Designgroup Professional GmbH / LED LightDesign
Others élements set piece Espace et Cie
Created in collaboration and performed by Anja Röttgerkamp and in alternation Léon Rubbens, Lounès Pezet, Rose Mousselet and Kamiel Van Looy
Artistic collaboration Anne Mousselet
Technical collaboration Lille Opera
Musical computer collaboration Ircam, Manuel Poletti et Thomas Goepfer
3D plans design Rémi Brabis
Scenographic search aide Marc Le Hingrat
Visit of LaM at Villeneuve d’Ascq with the choreographer.
Free entrance on reservation at +33 (0)3 20 19 68 54 or
with Anne Mousselet and a presentation of Gisèle Vienne for professionnal dancers.
At CDC Le Gymnase (Danse à Lille) at Roubaix
Enrolments at +33 (0)
± 1h15
At the Rose des Vents, Scène nationale de Lille Métropole, Boulevard Van Gogh at Villeneuve d’Ascq
Underground : Ligne 1 Station Hôtel de Ville
Production delegate DACM
Coproduction (in progress) Opéra de Lille / Le Parvis, Scène National Tarbes Pyrénées / Centre Pompidou, Les Spectacles Vivants - Paris / IRCAM - Paris / La Comédie de Caen, Centre Dramatique National de Normandie /
Coproduction Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy et La Bâtie - Festival de Genève dans le cadre du projet PACT bénéficiaire du FEDER avec le programme INTERREG IV A France-Suisse / Festival Automne en Normandie / Scène nationale d’Evreux / Centre de Développement Chorégraphique Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées (accueil en résidence) / Centre Dramatique National Orléans Loiret Centre / Le Maillon Strasbourg / Le Théâtre de Freiburg /
La kaserne à Bâle/ Le CCN d’Orléans / Malta Festival Poznan 2013/ Holland Festival - Amsterdam / International Summer Festival - Hambourg / Künstlerhaus Mousonturm – Francfort / Next Festival, Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai & Valenciennes / BIT Teatergarasjen – Bergen / IDEOLOGIC ORGAN /
Designgroup Professional GmbH …
Support at the creation : Festival actoral
With the participation of DICRéAM